Friday, July 20, 2018

Books, book, and more books

  It's  one of those days where I'm having trouble coming up with much to write about so here goes. Those that know me know that I have book issues. Having a daughter only made things worse by giving the addict a built in excuse to get more books. They may not know my name at the library book sales but I'm pretty sure I have some sort of name. There's that crazy lady who always overloads herself or something like that.  I am there twice a year whether we need them or not, mostly not. I have more books than any one person could possibly read, although that has yet to stop me.
  My daughter, mercifully, doesn't mind reading, especially about anything video game related, or Captain Underpants, but hey, it's still reading. Ironically, we've been frequently borrowing audio books from our library. I've been known to borrow the audio version of a title we already own just to help me thin the herd. Lately, I have been reading books to our daughter that are below her reading level and not her first choice just to get through them. Sometimes, we trip over a pretty good one and I feel better getting rid of something we've already read.
   This morning, to my horror, she asked me to get rid of a bible from her shelf! I was tempted to call an exorcist or find some holy water but instead I agreed to relocate it. This just goes to show you how religious we are. I reminded our daughter that we are actually supposed to read it but I guess since there aren't any Pokemon in any of the gospels that I remember, I was met with eye roll number 47.  She's done this to me before with other "good for you" books but having survived eight years of Catholic school, this one threw me  for a bit of a loop. It looks like I'll be keeping a close eye on that moral compass.
   I am assuming this point that she is looking to create more shelf space. I can't blame her since her room is basically a giant pile of books, stuffed animals, and a bed in there somewhere. More shelf space is definitely needed. Accountants are not the handiest of humans, but I have been known to improvise a few things to help with organization.  Books are a lot easier to deal with than the animals, however. Our daughter has a much tougher time parting with stuffed animals than books, of course.
   I'm sure if I look around, I can thin my own collection, too. It would behoove me to keep my collection limited to the classics like, Shakespeare, Camus, and Dave Barry. Ancient tax guides and textbooks should go if they haven't already. I've gone through the cookbooks so that doesn't leave much. Hopefully, by purging some nonbook items, I'll get more space to play with anyway.  I just hope I end up with a decent amount of space. I've invested in a few organizers that let me stack things but they only go up one level.
   On the upside, it's the only addiction I have that's non fattening.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Fighting the addiction part 112

Spring break hasn't exactly been a break for me. When you live with a video game addict, days off from school can be difficult. I understand that I am not responsible to keep her majesty entertained. The problem is that, left to her own devices, she would have her face in a screen all day. When it's too cold or miserable to be outside, I try to come up with other options. Even on playdates I'm finding that my daughter's friends are bringing their own devices! There is some small comfort in knowing that I'm not alone in this. We have resorted to playing board games as a family in the evenings when my husband gets home from work. We are board game nerds from way back and I often wonder whose DNA this is. I also lucked out, at least briefly, in that the Easter Bunny brought someone a glitter slime kit. We are also still reading books, even if they are about video games, I don't care, it's still reading. It makes me sad to think of all the toys this kid has in our living room that are ignored because they are not video games. I have reminded our offspring during one of the millions of parental lectures that she has completely forgotten how to enjoy anything without a screen. It reminds me of a person with a closet full of clothes complaining there's nothing to wear! My husband and I have resorted to going to a small local business that sells used games and picked up a copy of a game that we, as a family can play. Her majesty must be dragged into it but I figure them's the breaks for now.