Friday, November 9, 2018

Are we done yet?

   Welcome to early November. It's Halloween again! We have made the mistake of having our television on. Every four seconds, it seems, there's another commercial on for some candidate we're sick of hearing about. Even my oblivious ten year old daughter has noticed that all these commercials ever seem say is, "The other guy's a fart face, vote for me." I'm also beginning to think the networks must think we're senile or two and a half, because of the endless repetition. If there was a network out there that would boycott political ads from mid October until after the election, I think they'd make a mint.
    I am once again, like everyone else, forced to hold my nose and select the least amount of evil I can find. This was the first midterm election I voted on in years. I normally did not care but it seems the insanity in Washington was too much for even me to handle. I prefer my craziness to skew more toward the middle if possible. Fortunately, it turns out that the rest of the country felt the same way and people were voting in droves. I guess this was a somewhat hopeful sign that my fellow citizens still give a rat's ass. It also must be pretty bad for people to put their remotes down long enough to vote, too.
   Where would we get information about candidates if we don't have commercials? If I could indulge in a fantasy here, I would schedule debates. Since we live in a short attention span world, I'd also keep them short, like 15 minutes in a series of three. I'd like to see if these clowns could string an intelligent sentence together. It would also help to see if they were smart enough to understand how to best make use of your time to make a point. Regrettably, that still doesn't seem to stop some scary creatures from getting elected but I figure hope springs eternal.
    Once the election is over, of course, you have the ad nauseam analysis by various pundits. This year is even worse, in my humble opinion, due to the incessant delusional crowing by the commander in chief. I have done my best to avoid the major networks once I've heard the weather. We get our televisions back by mid November but it leaves me wondering about the rest of the year. Why does it seem that elected officials disappear once elected? Don't all employees get performance reviews during the year? Why not these guys?

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