Friday, October 4, 2019

My Brain Needs a Hobby

      I'm overdue for a humorous post but it feels like my tank is empty. It's February, as of this writing, in 2019. I've said that after 2018 we've had no where to go but up. Two months into the new year have left me unimpressed. We are both unemployed and with no income coming in, things have been getting difficult. I tried a part time job that flopped and if ever there was a time when my mid life crisis was in my face, it's now. I have plans to find a career counselor to help me plan my second act but now I'm concerned about how much it will cost.
      We have never been the paycheck to paycheck type of family and that's been really helpful to us,  especially now. The problem is the whole business of the job hunt dragging on for so long. We have used up way more of our savings than I would like and I'm having trouble scraping up job leads. Things have been quiet for my spouse, too and putting it mildly, we're both getting impatient. It's hard having faith that things will work out for the best after this much time has gone by. My brain knows that after you've done everything you can, it's in God's hands, but my heart was never the faithful type.
     It is tougher to see the enjoyable parts of this as time goes on. I know things could turn on a dime and there are parts of this I will even miss. I will look back on this time and be glad we got a few things done around the house. Truthfully, I was hoping to do a little better than that. We have no catastrophic illness to deal with, thankfully, only each other. Oddly enough, this has been both our biggest problem and opportunity. We've managed to sneak out to a grown up movie once or twice but with money being so tight we could use to find more ways to bring us closer together on the cheap.
     I'm rather disinclined to go shopping these days, unless it's a thrift store or a flea market and it's not really my spouse's favorite activity. That leaves movies at home, video games and non g rated things I won't get into here. I suppose we could try cooking together as long as everyone's in a good mood before they pick up anything sharp. It occurred to me that I may be able to talk him into a puzzle or board game now and then. It also occurred to me that I should be asking him for some ideas and while I'm at it, how about you, dear reader? What do you do with your spouse?

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