Friday, October 25, 2019

The new old hunt, Part 112

   I managed, over the weekend, to come up with a list of targets for my job hunt. It wasn't easy since I had to pull out of the internet wormhole known as work from home jobs. There are still some of "those sites" on my list but it's easier to check an item off a list rather than aimless floundering. I'm working on my "second twenty". Since it's easier to eat your elephant one bite at a time, I chopped my job hunt into segments of applications. My guess is that it's going to take up to 100 applications for me to find something and so far I'm 20 percent there. I hope 100 will be enough but at a minimum I know I'll feel like I've made a good effort.
   It really is a full time job to look for work and I find the discipline part of it to be a real struggle. I am constantly reminding myself that even just looking counts.putting it mildly, this is a way no fun experience. The question is why? The jobs themselves don't seem that appealing and the ones that do, wouldn't hire me because I'm either too old or not qualified. If I'm having this much fun with part time hourly crap, it's no wonder my middle aged spouse is going nuts. I haven't been too fussy with my search criteria - or at least I didn't think so. I've applied for other jobs besides mattress tester at $40 an hour, after all.
     I admit I'm having a problem discussing this with my spouse, though. He's supported us for years with me being home. Other people would have been way more obnoxious about me being a full time mom. When I brought up the idea of me getting a job, he would always tell me he wants me to find something I like. Putting it mildly, I feel really wierd about asking him to consider something like a sales job.
    I'm also discovering that a lot of the websites I am using to conduct my search are trying to sell me subscriptions. Hellooooooo, since when do unemployed humans have money for subscriptions?!  It feels a lot like going to a bank to ask for a loan and the first question they ask is 'Do you have any money?'.  The stressful part (or one streesful part) is that if one of us has to go back to school, how do we pay for it? Should I consider janitorial work (paid -that is) ? This whole thing is enough to make my head explode but then, someone would have to clean up the mess. Stay tuned.....

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