Friday, January 3, 2020

Thinking outside the box

  Regrettably,  as of this writing, we are at month nine of my spouse being unemployed. He is depressed, putting it mildly and I am having a tough time in patches, trying to help. It turns out, that I really don't need to help so much as listen. The problem is what I'm hearing. It's obvious that his mood is awful because he has an answer for every suggestion.
    "That won't work." "They won't pay enough." "I'm not doing that." You get the idea. When he gets that way, I work on just letting him complain and then move on. I need to stop trying to be a guy and fix the problem! The negativity gets to be a bit much at times and my ego thinks I have great ideas. He does this with everyone, not just me. I know it's the depression/frustration talking. It shouldn't be a surprise by this point that stress levels are pretty high around around here. It appears to be contagious. I am approaching a new adventure while I'm still knee deep in his.
    My own little adventure is a bit scary. I am trying to get myself used to the idea that I will be working myself soon. I am looking at this substitute teaching thing as a small step on a larger journey. I am also not completely letting go of my job hunt. I've learned the hard way, over the years, how important it is to have a plan "B". I am also planning to drag my "Negative Nancy" of a spouse to a job fair. If anything, I'm hoping it will give us both some fresh ideas on what to do and where to apply. I'm also a bit of a sucker for free chachkis.
    I am also still learning about this whole substitute teaching thing and what happens during the summer. There's a theoretical chance that I could parlay my shred of experience gained into another teaching gig, but let's not bet the ranch. That's another reason for my interest in the upcoming job fair. Unfortunately, my mother is voicing her opinion on the whole thing. Captain Obvious never fails to disappoint. My husband should be pumping gas. We are both lazy. The money is eventually going to run out. It's great to have supportive family in times like these. If you have one, dear reader, please let me know what it's like.
  Update: Funny to think my spouse has been working for 6 months now. I've been substitute teaching for about 5 myself. Life has also gotten in the way of my Plan B. There have been some adjustments and the subbing gig has been rewarding/disappointing (Good to feel useful/money sucks). More will be coming on that. Stay tuned.

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